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Register Your Trademark Today!

Protect your brand by registering your brand, name, or logo.

Why Register a Trademark?

You can use the symbol, “®” after your trademark, which indicates your mark is federally registered, adding to the prestige of your company.

Registering your trademark gives your company exclusive rights to operate and market under name, brand, or logo.

Trademark registration enhances the value of a company’s brand.

Get started with a Trademark Search

The first step in registering a trademark involves searching existing marks and common-law users, which provides vital business intelligence on competition using the same or similar trademarks.   An attorney-reviewed, professional search will turn up phonetic equivalents, foreign language marks, and a host of other relevant similarities that non-lawyers are not typically able to discover.

To get started – click the button below and submit your trademark or brand name.  If the first search comes back with a conflict after our attorneys review the report, we will run a second search and attorney review at no cost.

Trademark Registration

US Trademark Filing

The first step in registering a trademark involves searching existing marks and common-law users, which provides vital business intelligence on competition using the same or similar trademarks.   An attorney-reviewed, professional search will turn up phonetic equivalents, foreign language marks, and a host of other relevant similarities that non-lawyers are not typically able to discover.

File and Register Your US Trademark

The next step, after conducting your trademark search, is to register your trademark. Click our online trademark submission button below to start the trademark registration process. All submissions will be reviewed by a trademark lawyer who will discuss your application with you before it is filed.

Trademark Resources

Intern Program

As part of our effort to recruit, develop and retail the best and brightest attorneys, Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig offers a summer intern program for promising law school students who are looking to work as part of an innovative and incredibly successful team. With a global team of lawyers, selected candidates are able to work on high level projects in a collaborative space.

Paralegals and Legal Support Staff

At Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig, our team of paralegals and staff work together collaboratively along side our attorneys toward a common goal. We have created a positive work environment where our paralegals and legal assistants work to successfully reach firm-wide goals and support each other to combine individual strengths to enhance team performance. They regularly assist our attorneys with organizing and maintaining files, conducting legal research, and preparing documents.